CASSOPOLIS, Mich. (AP) - A hearing is under way to decide whether a man will stand trial on charges he murdered a couple at their southwestern Michigan home three years ago.
Authorities say 28-year-old Keith Lintz of Niles shot and stabbed Carolyn and John Tarwacki to death on Feb. 5, 2010, at their Niles-area home. He’s charged with first-degree murder.
The victims worked at a music company in Stevensville.
At a preliminary examination Tuesday in Cassopolis, Patricia Wilds testified that Lintz came to her mobile home a few days after the killing and said he “didn’t want to get caught.” She says he had two guns with him and had fresh injuries.
Wilds was dating Lintz’s cousin and didn’t come forward to police until September 2012.
The hearing is continuing.
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